Enriching lives through experiences that encourage
movement and improve state of mind.


With a history of working in aged and health care environments, NeuronsVR founders saw first-hand just how bored and frustrated residents could be. When their own son suffered a severe injury and required inpatient rehab care, they were inspired to take action – developing a solution that would enrich, engage and motivate residents in facilities across the country. 

By combining their industry knowledge with the latest VR technology, NeuronsVR was able to create experiences that positively impacted the lives of these residents – turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

With VR experiences that encourage movement, mobility and socialisation, NeuronsVR  provides occupational therapy through virtual reality in an exciting and engaging way.

Our Team

At NeuronsVR, what makes us tick is knowing that we can positively impact the lives of people from various backgrounds, age groups and life circumstances through what we do.

The desire to improve and make a difference is the DNA of everything we do – from the content we create to the customer experience and the virtual reality experience of the end user. We all share the same goal of improving lives and encouraging movement.

Shane Roulston
Founding Director
Lisa Roulston
Content Curation
Angela Donohue
Janne Villarica
Admin / EA to Director
Natalie Hoyle
R.N. Staff Educator
Armine Kagaryan
Lindl Webster
Board Advisor
Bachelor of Health Science leisure & health. Charles Sturt University.
Practicing Diversional Therapist.

Master Applied Gerontology. Flinders University.
Social Gerontologist.

Dr Jane Lonie
Board Advisor
Clinical Neuropsychologist
(BPsych (Hons) Msc PhD C.Psychol MAPS CCN AFBPsS (UK))
Dr Duncan McKellar
Board Advisor
BMBS FRANZCP CertOldAgePsych BMus(Perf)(Hons) BA DipEd
Clinical Specialist, Psychogeriatrician, The Dementia Centre, HammondCare
Julie Wakeman
Board Advisor
Occupational and Sound Therapist
Bachelor Of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy
Professional Diploma of Sound Therapy with the British Academy of Sound
Bronwyn Arthur
Board Advisor
Registered Nurse
Masters Palliative Care Aged Care, Flinders University

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